Climate Professionals

Join the #OpenDoorClimate movement. Help get more people working on climate with a simple 15-minute chat.

The #OpenDoorClimate community is a group of climate professionals who are actively making ourselves available to speak with those pursuing a career in climate. By joining the community, we are volunteering to implement an open door policy to have a brief chat(s) with someone looking to enter the field. Browse the Directory of climate professionals that have already joined and add your name here.


1. Implement an #OpenDoorClimate policy on LinkedIn.

Be sure to include the #opendoorclimate hashtag and your areas of expertise in your post. Use the sample post provided or create your own. And add your name to the Directory.

2. Find time to speak with those that reach out.

Utilize a scheduling service like Calendly to easily reserve time. Determine how much time you’ll volunteer - e.g. 1 hour a month, a week, a day, etc.

3. Chat about your experience and answer questions.

Limit your phone or video chats to 15 or 30 minutes and keep them casual. Even if you can’t speak to everything or answer every question, share what you do know. Your personal story is what people find most valuable.


I’m implementing an #opendoorclimate policy for anyone wanting to chat about pursuing a career in climate.

If you're considering working in climate but not sure what that looks like, please DM me or comment below. I might not be able to speak to everything or answer every question, but I'll share what I do know. Learn more about the #OpenDoorClimate movement here:

🚪 Check out #OpenDoorClimate on LinkedIn